That is possible with the help of custom writing service. They are a blessing today for the individuals who are hell busy with their tight schedule, list of assignments and other duties. Now the question here is to find the most reliable and expert service online and that is the main challenge.
Undoubtedly there are thousands of online academic writing companies there so it becomes naturally difficult for an individual to pick out the best one out!
Let me tell you some key points that will help you pick out the best on in town.
1- Leave your class fellows, get to the seniors and ask them the details:
What am I saying here are that your seniors are experienced. They have gone through this phase so they will help you better than your class mate. Hang around with them, make them good friends and then dig the secret information slowly and steadily.
2- its time to research the list of sites:
Have your laptop on. Google all the custom writing sites that you have been told, scan them one by one. The first and the foremost thing you will come across is the layout, style and format of the site but this is not where you will take the final decision. There is more to go!
In this step, all you have to do is to short down the list on the basis of:
- How professional the site looks?
- Is it messy?
- Is the contact address given original?
3- Time to check the samples:
Remember, no custom writing service will be without samples as they are meant to build their credibility. And if it is not there then take that site out of your list at once otherwise you will be in a serious trouble. Another thing to note is the quality and originality of samples. There are many self-proclaimed professionals who download academic writing samples from other sites and present it over there so beware.
Once you have downloaded the samples, you must check:
- They must be original that is there is no sign of plagiarism. You can try plagiarism detection software as well. Usually, 16% of plagiarism is allowed in research paper but I would say that the length of the paper should be the basis to determine the percentage.
- Second most important thing to check out is the quality of English. Generally, a high level language and the typical topic related terminologies are used in the paper. Have a dictionary with you!
4- Finally the Customer service representative:
Give them a call and see how professional they are in dealing with their clients. Of course, they will be nice since you are not their client so the best way to evaluate them is to ring them again and again and see their behavior.
Hence, it will take a lot to find the right custom paper writing service for your assignments since you are just a student.
ReplyDeleteM Sharif
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